Contractor injuries and fatalities are on the rise
Increased risk of injury associated with fatigue and cognitive development
Of incidents and near misses involve brain centered hazards
Of workplace accidents can be attributed to language barriers
Of workplace injuries are from workers with less than five years of experience
Revolutionize your approach to contractor management safety with AI
Increase your risk visibility
Use AI algorithms and historical data to spot risks and take proactive steps to implement safety measures throughout your organization.
Make quicker decisions
Streamline your data workflows with AI, enabling faster, more informed decision-making across your organization.
Save time with AI automations
Streamline the compliance approval process. Our AI extracts data from uploaded contractor and supplier forms and alerts users of missing or inaccurate information before submission.
Reduce risk and avoid accidents with the help of artificial intelligence
Manage contractor compliance with the award-winning industry's first generative AI risk assistant, AskAva™
Avoid overlooking safety details
AskAva uses interactive prompts to help you spot risks and gives guidance on administering job site safety measures.
Complete comprehensive risk assessments
AskAva assists you in conducting in-depth risk assessments such as job hazard analysis (JHA), safety inspections, incident investigations, and feedback mechanisms.
Create a safety culture by engaging employees at all levels
Encourage employees to report near-misses and safety concerns to capture potential hazards within their work environments before they escalate into incidents.
Receive relevant, personalized advice that goes beyond standard processes
Improve workplace safety by helping workers see risks and identify controls. Harness AskAva to improve the effectiveness of controls in high-risk tasks such as scaffolding and working at heights.

Simplify complex processes and decisions with AI automations
Validate your decisions
Reduce human errors and biases using AI algorithms to detect patterns in historical data and predefined criteria.
Enhance your risk management
Anticipate potential outcomes using insights, recommendations, and predictive analytics.
Verify worker documentation

Avetta is much more user-friendly and intuitive and it seems to be more efficient than the other tools that I have used.