Avetta news and press

Avetta Wins SupplyTech's Breakthrough Risk Management Company of the Year

Protect your business from financial and contractor cyber risks with Avetta's Business Risk solutions. Insurance Verification also available.

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Avetta as has been announced as the winner of SupplyTech’s inaugural Breakthrough Awards program for Company of the Year. This is the second award Avetta has taken home in 2022. SupplyTech Breakthrough is part of the Tech Breakthrough organization, which specializes in conducting market research and recognition programs in today’s most competitive technology sectors, including IoT, Cybersecurity, Mobile/Wireless, Artificial Intelligence, and of course the Supply Chain & Logistics industries.

The Awards program consisted of over 1,200 nominations coming in from some of the world’s top companies and startups in the supply chain and logistics industries. Each submission went through a comprehensive evaluation of its supply chain and logistics technology tools, services and companies.

The supply chain and logistics sectors are currently experiencing immense change—mainly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and a heightened awareness of health and safety. With these changes have come both risk and opportunity. As advances in supply chain and logistics technology applications transform society and better protect workers, the SupplyTech Breakthrough Awards program aims to highlight the supply chain solutions, services and companies that are standing out from the crowd and transforming the industry.

Customer expectations are also increasing greatly. Both consumers and businesses expect to get goods faster, more flexibly, and at lower or no cost for delivery. In addition, manufacturing is becoming more and more customized, which is good for customers but hard work for the logistics industry. With this, companies need new and improved technologies to enable greater efficiency and more collaborative operating models—and this program recognizes some of the best.

Avetta’s Breakthrough Products

In the past year, Avetta has added numerous products to help companies with their supply chain management. Avetta OneTM, the industry’s largest Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) platform, recently launched an enhanced Subcontractor Management solution within the platform. The solution gives clients visibility into their connected suppliers’ subcontractors that may pose hidden risks when coming onto a client’s site. The ability to manage both high-spend and low-spend contractors is easier than ever in the Avetta One platform, a single-source solution for managing operational, reputational and regulatory compliance risks.

The award-winning Avetta One platform also offers products focused on supplier compliance and workforce management. Through the supplier compliance and workforce management features, users are able to collect and verify supplier documentation and keep them all up to date, accurate, and available at any time.

To learn more about Avetta One, ask for a demo, visit our website, call 844-633-3801, or email blog@avetta.com.

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Supply chain management
Avetta news and press
Avetta Wins SupplyTech's Breakthrough Risk Management Company of the Year

Protect your business from financial and contractor cyber risks with Avetta's Business Risk solutions. Insurance Verification also available.

Avetta Marketing
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Avetta as has been announced as the winner of SupplyTech’s inaugural Breakthrough Awards program for Company of the Year. This is the second award Avetta has taken home in 2022. SupplyTech Breakthrough is part of the Tech Breakthrough organization, which specializes in conducting market research and recognition programs in today’s most competitive technology sectors, including IoT, Cybersecurity, Mobile/Wireless, Artificial Intelligence, and of course the Supply Chain & Logistics industries.

The Awards program consisted of over 1,200 nominations coming in from some of the world’s top companies and startups in the supply chain and logistics industries. Each submission went through a comprehensive evaluation of its supply chain and logistics technology tools, services and companies.

The supply chain and logistics sectors are currently experiencing immense change—mainly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and a heightened awareness of health and safety. With these changes have come both risk and opportunity. As advances in supply chain and logistics technology applications transform society and better protect workers, the SupplyTech Breakthrough Awards program aims to highlight the supply chain solutions, services and companies that are standing out from the crowd and transforming the industry.

Customer expectations are also increasing greatly. Both consumers and businesses expect to get goods faster, more flexibly, and at lower or no cost for delivery. In addition, manufacturing is becoming more and more customized, which is good for customers but hard work for the logistics industry. With this, companies need new and improved technologies to enable greater efficiency and more collaborative operating models—and this program recognizes some of the best.

Avetta’s Breakthrough Products

In the past year, Avetta has added numerous products to help companies with their supply chain management. Avetta OneTM, the industry’s largest Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) platform, recently launched an enhanced Subcontractor Management solution within the platform. The solution gives clients visibility into their connected suppliers’ subcontractors that may pose hidden risks when coming onto a client’s site. The ability to manage both high-spend and low-spend contractors is easier than ever in the Avetta One platform, a single-source solution for managing operational, reputational and regulatory compliance risks.

The award-winning Avetta One platform also offers products focused on supplier compliance and workforce management. Through the supplier compliance and workforce management features, users are able to collect and verify supplier documentation and keep them all up to date, accurate, and available at any time.

To learn more about Avetta One, ask for a demo, visit our website, call 844-633-3801, or email blog@avetta.com.

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Supply chain management
Avetta news and press
Avetta Wins SupplyTech's Breakthrough Risk Management Company of the Year

Protect your business from financial and contractor cyber risks with Avetta's Business Risk solutions. Insurance Verification also available.

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Avetta Marketing
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Avetta news and press
Avetta Wins SupplyTech's Breakthrough Risk Management Company of the Year

Protect your business from financial and contractor cyber risks with Avetta's Business Risk solutions. Insurance Verification also available.


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Avetta as has been announced as the winner of SupplyTech’s inaugural Breakthrough Awards program for Company of the Year. This is the second award Avetta has taken home in 2022. SupplyTech Breakthrough is part of the Tech Breakthrough organization, which specializes in conducting market research and recognition programs in today’s most competitive technology sectors, including IoT, Cybersecurity, Mobile/Wireless, Artificial Intelligence, and of course the Supply Chain & Logistics industries.

The Awards program consisted of over 1,200 nominations coming in from some of the world’s top companies and startups in the supply chain and logistics industries. Each submission went through a comprehensive evaluation of its supply chain and logistics technology tools, services and companies.

The supply chain and logistics sectors are currently experiencing immense change—mainly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and a heightened awareness of health and safety. With these changes have come both risk and opportunity. As advances in supply chain and logistics technology applications transform society and better protect workers, the SupplyTech Breakthrough Awards program aims to highlight the supply chain solutions, services and companies that are standing out from the crowd and transforming the industry.

Customer expectations are also increasing greatly. Both consumers and businesses expect to get goods faster, more flexibly, and at lower or no cost for delivery. In addition, manufacturing is becoming more and more customized, which is good for customers but hard work for the logistics industry. With this, companies need new and improved technologies to enable greater efficiency and more collaborative operating models—and this program recognizes some of the best.

Avetta’s Breakthrough Products

In the past year, Avetta has added numerous products to help companies with their supply chain management. Avetta OneTM, the industry’s largest Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) platform, recently launched an enhanced Subcontractor Management solution within the platform. The solution gives clients visibility into their connected suppliers’ subcontractors that may pose hidden risks when coming onto a client’s site. The ability to manage both high-spend and low-spend contractors is easier than ever in the Avetta One platform, a single-source solution for managing operational, reputational and regulatory compliance risks.

The award-winning Avetta One platform also offers products focused on supplier compliance and workforce management. Through the supplier compliance and workforce management features, users are able to collect and verify supplier documentation and keep them all up to date, accurate, and available at any time.

To learn more about Avetta One, ask for a demo, visit our website, call 844-633-3801, or email blog@avetta.com.

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Supply chain management
Avetta news and press

Avetta Wins SupplyTech's Breakthrough Risk Management Company of the Year

Protect your business from financial and contractor cyber risks with Avetta's Business Risk solutions. Insurance Verification also available.

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Avetta Marketing
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Avetta news and press
Avetta Wins SupplyTech's Breakthrough Risk Management Company of the Year

Protect your business from financial and contractor cyber risks with Avetta's Business Risk solutions. Insurance Verification also available.

Avetta Marketing
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Avetta as has been announced as the winner of SupplyTech’s inaugural Breakthrough Awards program for Company of the Year. This is the second award Avetta has taken home in 2022. SupplyTech Breakthrough is part of the Tech Breakthrough organization, which specializes in conducting market research and recognition programs in today’s most competitive technology sectors, including IoT, Cybersecurity, Mobile/Wireless, Artificial Intelligence, and of course the Supply Chain & Logistics industries.

The Awards program consisted of over 1,200 nominations coming in from some of the world’s top companies and startups in the supply chain and logistics industries. Each submission went through a comprehensive evaluation of its supply chain and logistics technology tools, services and companies.

The supply chain and logistics sectors are currently experiencing immense change—mainly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and a heightened awareness of health and safety. With these changes have come both risk and opportunity. As advances in supply chain and logistics technology applications transform society and better protect workers, the SupplyTech Breakthrough Awards program aims to highlight the supply chain solutions, services and companies that are standing out from the crowd and transforming the industry.

Customer expectations are also increasing greatly. Both consumers and businesses expect to get goods faster, more flexibly, and at lower or no cost for delivery. In addition, manufacturing is becoming more and more customized, which is good for customers but hard work for the logistics industry. With this, companies need new and improved technologies to enable greater efficiency and more collaborative operating models—and this program recognizes some of the best.

Avetta’s Breakthrough Products

In the past year, Avetta has added numerous products to help companies with their supply chain management. Avetta OneTM, the industry’s largest Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) platform, recently launched an enhanced Subcontractor Management solution within the platform. The solution gives clients visibility into their connected suppliers’ subcontractors that may pose hidden risks when coming onto a client’s site. The ability to manage both high-spend and low-spend contractors is easier than ever in the Avetta One platform, a single-source solution for managing operational, reputational and regulatory compliance risks.

The award-winning Avetta One platform also offers products focused on supplier compliance and workforce management. Through the supplier compliance and workforce management features, users are able to collect and verify supplier documentation and keep them all up to date, accurate, and available at any time.

To learn more about Avetta One, ask for a demo, visit our website, call 844-633-3801, or email blog@avetta.com.

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Supply chain management