Risk management is based on information gained from, among other data, a sincere Risk Assessment. So, what is the critical data you need from risk assessment to know that your workforce is protected, and able to do the work successfully? And if unsuccessful, is your business ready to mitigate loss to get back up and running as soon as possible? Risk Management is knowing your risk data, your risk data trends, your risk data outliers, and acting on them. From within the definition of risk (uncertainty on objectives), this means knowing your potential and actual severity, probabilities, as well as treatment, control, and mitigation hierarchies and conformance rates. Not all treatments offer the same level of protection or effectiveness. Not all potential severities need the highest level of treatment. But many do and sometimes need treatment redundancies. Do you know where these gaps are?Learning objectives:Define risk parameters.Know what data to collect.Establish and evaluate both treatment and mitigation efforts.Analyze the data.

Risk management is based on information gained from, among other data, a sincere Risk Assessment. So, what is the critical data you need from risk assessment to know that your workforce is protected, and able to do the work successfully? And if unsuccessful, is your business ready to mitigate loss to get back up and running as soon as possible? Risk Management is knowing your risk data, your risk data trends, your risk data outliers, and acting on them. From within the definition of risk (uncertainty on objectives), this means knowing your potential and actual severity, probabilities, as well as treatment, control, and mitigation hierarchies and conformance rates. Not all treatments offer the same level of protection or effectiveness. Not all potential severities need the highest level of treatment. But many do and sometimes need treatment redundancies. Do you know where these gaps are?Learning objectives:Define risk parameters.Know what data to collect.Establish and evaluate both treatment and mitigation efforts.Analyze the data.

Risk management is based on information gained from, among other data, a sincere Risk Assessment. So, what is the critical data you need from risk assessment to know that your workforce is protected, and able to do the work successfully? And if unsuccessful, is your business ready to mitigate loss to get back up and running as soon as possible? Risk Management is knowing your risk data, your risk data trends, your risk data outliers, and acting on them. From within the definition of risk (uncertainty on objectives), this means knowing your potential and actual severity, probabilities, as well as treatment, control, and mitigation hierarchies and conformance rates. Not all treatments offer the same level of protection or effectiveness. Not all potential severities need the highest level of treatment. But many do and sometimes need treatment redundancies. Do you know where these gaps are?Learning objectives:Define risk parameters.Know what data to collect.Establish and evaluate both treatment and mitigation efforts.Analyze the data.

Risk management is based on information gained from, among other data, a sincere Risk Assessment. So, what is the critical data you need from risk assessment to know that your workforce is protected, and able to do the work successfully? And if unsuccessful, is your business ready to mitigate loss to get back up and running as soon as possible? Risk Management is knowing your risk data, your risk data trends, your risk data outliers, and acting on them. From within the definition of risk (uncertainty on objectives), this means knowing your potential and actual severity, probabilities, as well as treatment, control, and mitigation hierarchies and conformance rates. Not all treatments offer the same level of protection or effectiveness. Not all potential severities need the highest level of treatment. But many do and sometimes need treatment redundancies. Do you know where these gaps are?Learning objectives:Define risk parameters.Know what data to collect.Establish and evaluate both treatment and mitigation efforts.Analyze the data.