Health and Safety

A Balanced Set of Metrics

Discover the significance of the new "Balanced Set of Metrics" approach to safety and health and learn how to define and create effective metric sets.

Avetta Marketing
min read

About the Webinar

ASSP has taken the lead in updating the long-forgotten ANSI Z-16 Standard: Safety and Health Metrics and Performance Measures. Due to arrive this fall, both Z 16 and the AIHA Leading Health Metrics publication of September 2020, are using a new term, “Balanced Set of Metrics” as the new measure of S&H performance. No longer are leading or lagging metrics, alone, good enough to tell the story to influence and communicate strategic results. The approach is derived from the concept that there is no one metric that can truly measure anything important, leading or lagging. Often, the more related leading metrics are, the better lagging metrics can be predicted and influenced.

Hear today how to measure tomorrow’s health and safety performance.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the Drivers for Metrics
  • Defining a Balanced set of Metrics (BCM)
  • Creating Sample Metric Sets
Contractor Compliance
Contractor Management
Contractor Safety
Health and Safety
Subcontractor Management
Worker Compliance
Health and Safety
A Balanced Set of Metrics

Discover the significance of the new "Balanced Set of Metrics" approach to safety and health and learn how to define and create effective metric sets.

Avetta Marketing
min read

About the Webinar

ASSP has taken the lead in updating the long-forgotten ANSI Z-16 Standard: Safety and Health Metrics and Performance Measures. Due to arrive this fall, both Z 16 and the AIHA Leading Health Metrics publication of September 2020, are using a new term, “Balanced Set of Metrics” as the new measure of S&H performance. No longer are leading or lagging metrics, alone, good enough to tell the story to influence and communicate strategic results. The approach is derived from the concept that there is no one metric that can truly measure anything important, leading or lagging. Often, the more related leading metrics are, the better lagging metrics can be predicted and influenced.

Hear today how to measure tomorrow’s health and safety performance.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the Drivers for Metrics
  • Defining a Balanced set of Metrics (BCM)
  • Creating Sample Metric Sets
Contractor Compliance
Contractor Management
Contractor Safety
Health and Safety
Subcontractor Management
Worker Compliance
Health and Safety
A Balanced Set of Metrics

Discover the significance of the new "Balanced Set of Metrics" approach to safety and health and learn how to define and create effective metric sets.

Access this on-demand, anytime anywhere
Avetta Marketing
min read
Health and Safety
A Balanced Set of Metrics

Discover the significance of the new "Balanced Set of Metrics" approach to safety and health and learn how to define and create effective metric sets.

Avetta Marketing
min read

About the Webinar

ASSP has taken the lead in updating the long-forgotten ANSI Z-16 Standard: Safety and Health Metrics and Performance Measures. Due to arrive this fall, both Z 16 and the AIHA Leading Health Metrics publication of September 2020, are using a new term, “Balanced Set of Metrics” as the new measure of S&H performance. No longer are leading or lagging metrics, alone, good enough to tell the story to influence and communicate strategic results. The approach is derived from the concept that there is no one metric that can truly measure anything important, leading or lagging. Often, the more related leading metrics are, the better lagging metrics can be predicted and influenced.

Hear today how to measure tomorrow’s health and safety performance.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the Drivers for Metrics
  • Defining a Balanced set of Metrics (BCM)
  • Creating Sample Metric Sets
Contractor Compliance
Contractor Management
Contractor Safety
Health and Safety
Subcontractor Management
Worker Compliance
Health and Safety
A Balanced Set of Metrics

Discover the significance of the new "Balanced Set of Metrics" approach to safety and health and learn how to define and create effective metric sets.

Download this resource now
Avetta Marketing
min read
Health and Safety
A Balanced Set of Metrics

Discover the significance of the new "Balanced Set of Metrics" approach to safety and health and learn how to define and create effective metric sets.

Avetta Marketing
min read

About the Webinar

ASSP has taken the lead in updating the long-forgotten ANSI Z-16 Standard: Safety and Health Metrics and Performance Measures. Due to arrive this fall, both Z 16 and the AIHA Leading Health Metrics publication of September 2020, are using a new term, “Balanced Set of Metrics” as the new measure of S&H performance. No longer are leading or lagging metrics, alone, good enough to tell the story to influence and communicate strategic results. The approach is derived from the concept that there is no one metric that can truly measure anything important, leading or lagging. Often, the more related leading metrics are, the better lagging metrics can be predicted and influenced.

Hear today how to measure tomorrow’s health and safety performance.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the Drivers for Metrics
  • Defining a Balanced set of Metrics (BCM)
  • Creating Sample Metric Sets
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Contractor Compliance
Contractor Management
Contractor Safety
Health and Safety
Subcontractor Management
Worker Compliance