Webinar: Making the Case for Safety & Sustainability

Avetta Marketing
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To ensure an organization's business model is ever growing and sustainable, they must include the concept of safety and human capital as a material issue. A core element for long-term value and success is the continued safety and health of the organization's most valuable asset - people. This webinar is designed to discuss this concept.Presentation learning objectives:Why is safety core to the sustainability of my organization?What risk to Profits, People, and Planet come from my organization’s supply chain?How do we embed safety into my sustainability goals?How do I see this into my supply chain?How do we get executives or my board to make the link between long-term value and our safety goals?Learn best practices for overseeing construction project personnel to protect your brand against accidents & criminal liability.Speakers:Tom CecichAvetta Strategic Advisory Board Member & Former Pres. of ASSEPreviously President of ASSE, Cecich is now a member of Avetta's Strategic Advisory Board. He is an ASSE Fellow, and is recognized as one of the Safety Power 101 - individuals who most influence the field of OHS in the United States.

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Contractor Safety
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Supply Chain Management
Webinar: Making the Case for Safety & Sustainability

Avetta Marketing
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To ensure an organization's business model is ever growing and sustainable, they must include the concept of safety and human capital as a material issue. A core element for long-term value and success is the continued safety and health of the organization's most valuable asset - people. This webinar is designed to discuss this concept.Presentation learning objectives:Why is safety core to the sustainability of my organization?What risk to Profits, People, and Planet come from my organization’s supply chain?How do we embed safety into my sustainability goals?How do I see this into my supply chain?How do we get executives or my board to make the link between long-term value and our safety goals?Learn best practices for overseeing construction project personnel to protect your brand against accidents & criminal liability.Speakers:Tom CecichAvetta Strategic Advisory Board Member & Former Pres. of ASSEPreviously President of ASSE, Cecich is now a member of Avetta's Strategic Advisory Board. He is an ASSE Fellow, and is recognized as one of the Safety Power 101 - individuals who most influence the field of OHS in the United States.

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Contractor Safety
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Health and Safety
Supply Chain Management
Webinar: Making the Case for Safety & Sustainability

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Avetta Marketing
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Webinar: Making the Case for Safety & Sustainability

Avetta Marketing
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To ensure an organization's business model is ever growing and sustainable, they must include the concept of safety and human capital as a material issue. A core element for long-term value and success is the continued safety and health of the organization's most valuable asset - people. This webinar is designed to discuss this concept.Presentation learning objectives:Why is safety core to the sustainability of my organization?What risk to Profits, People, and Planet come from my organization’s supply chain?How do we embed safety into my sustainability goals?How do I see this into my supply chain?How do we get executives or my board to make the link between long-term value and our safety goals?Learn best practices for overseeing construction project personnel to protect your brand against accidents & criminal liability.Speakers:Tom CecichAvetta Strategic Advisory Board Member & Former Pres. of ASSEPreviously President of ASSE, Cecich is now a member of Avetta's Strategic Advisory Board. He is an ASSE Fellow, and is recognized as one of the Safety Power 101 - individuals who most influence the field of OHS in the United States.

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Contractor Safety
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Health and Safety
Supply Chain Management

Webinar: Making the Case for Safety & Sustainability

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Avetta Marketing
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Webinar: Making the Case for Safety & Sustainability

Avetta Marketing
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To ensure an organization's business model is ever growing and sustainable, they must include the concept of safety and human capital as a material issue. A core element for long-term value and success is the continued safety and health of the organization's most valuable asset - people. This webinar is designed to discuss this concept.Presentation learning objectives:Why is safety core to the sustainability of my organization?What risk to Profits, People, and Planet come from my organization’s supply chain?How do we embed safety into my sustainability goals?How do I see this into my supply chain?How do we get executives or my board to make the link between long-term value and our safety goals?Learn best practices for overseeing construction project personnel to protect your brand against accidents & criminal liability.Speakers:Tom CecichAvetta Strategic Advisory Board Member & Former Pres. of ASSEPreviously President of ASSE, Cecich is now a member of Avetta's Strategic Advisory Board. He is an ASSE Fellow, and is recognized as one of the Safety Power 101 - individuals who most influence the field of OHS in the United States.

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Contractor Safety
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Health and Safety
Supply Chain Management