Pro Line Pool & Spa Services Partners with Avetta to Create an Efficient, Resilient Supply Chain

Facilities Management
Contractor Prequalification
Contractor Compliance

About Pro Line Pool & Spa Services

Headquarters: Toronto, Ontario, Canada  

Region: Greater Toronto Area 

Domain: Aquatic and Recreation Services 

Avetta Customer Type: Supplier


Company Profile

Established in 1968, Pro Line Pool & Spa Services established themselves as industry leaders in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). They provide maintenance, customization, and repairs for pools and spas, as well as offering lifeguard and recreation management services. Their clients include condominiums, retirement homes, fitness clubs, hotels, and more

Challenges in Compliance Management

After being in business for over 50 years, Pro Line Pool & Spa Services has built a large portfolio of clients across the Greater Toronto Area. Tracking compliance before joining Avetta was done internally, meaning lots of manual effort with a lack of visibility into any existing gaps in their systems or processes.

The Avetta Experience

When initially joining the Avetta network, Pro Line was uncertain whether their internal policies aligned with the specific requirements set by their clients. After encountering challenges meeting compliance standards, the Pro Line team turned to Avetta to provide real-time visibility into compliance gaps. They used this transparency to easily identify and address discrepancies, reassess policies, make necessary adjustments, and ensure they were fully compliant.

Not only did Pro Line leverage Avetta’s powerful solutions to improve their compliance, but they also were able to streamline the onboarding process for new suppliers joining their network. With less time and resources required to vet suppliers, Pro Line improved the efficiency of their supply chain and gained more time to focus on growth and innovation.

Benefits Experienced

Centralized Prequalification Information: Pro Line was able to ditch the manual effort of tracking prequalification information manually and centralize it all on one platform. This process helped improve efficiency when working with both clients and suppliers, creating a stronger and more resilient supply chain. 

Closed Compliance Gaps: Without Avetta, the manual effort required to track prequalification and compliance was daunting. It left little time to identify any gaps Pro Line had in their policies. Using Avetta, the team was immediately notified where gaps existed, allowing them to quickly work to close them.

Improved Supplier Relationships: One unexpected benefit Pro Line experienced working with Avetta was strengthening the existing relationships they had with suppliers. With more transparency, better communication, and access to real-time data on supplier performance, the Avetta platform gave Pro Line more confidence in the decisions the team made and strengthened trust with their partners.


Pro Line joined the Avetta network with an all-too-common struggle of not being compliant with clients’ requirements and being unsure of where the gaps were in their systems and processes. After quickly identifying and closing compliance gaps with their clients, the team turned around and did the same with the suppliers in their network. As a result, Pro Line regained time for value-adding activities while strengthening both the efficiency and resiliency of their supply chain.

“Initially, we saw Avetta primarily as a compliance tool, but as we continued using it, we realized that the platform helped foster greater transparency and communication with our suppliers.”

Heather Brooks
Client Relationship Manager