PTM Elevates Safety Standards During Growth from 20 to Over 140 Team Members
About Pilbara Traffic Management (PTM)
Headquarters: Karratha, Western Australia, Australia
Region: Western Australia
Domain: Traffic Management, Rail Safeworking, and Equipment Hire Services
Avetta Customer Type: Supplier
Website: https://www.pilbaratrafficmanagement.com.au/
Company Profile
A triple-ISO certified organisation, Pilbara Traffic Management (PTM) provides traffic management, rail safe-working, and equipment hire services within the mining and construction industries. Founded in 2014, PTM now employs over 140 trained staff, with 60-70% of employees being women, a rate that far exceeds industry averages.

Challenges in Compliance Management
Prior to working with Avetta, PTM manually tracked contractor data in spreadsheets and document management systems — a time-consuming process. While their workforce grew by approximately 215%, PTM was unwilling to sacrifice safety as they scaled operations and knew they needed additional help.
The Avetta Experience
By turning to Avetta, Pilbara Traffic Management has streamlined contractor management, an area that led to administrative bottlenecks in the past. Avetta has provided a centralised location to manage contractor data, making it easier for the organisation to maintain compliance with Rio Tinto, a leading mining company. With little effort, the team can ensure that all contractors they work with meet the necessary standards and get updates in real time, improving operational workflow and compliance management.
Using Avetta has given the team back valuable time, allowing them to focus more on core operations. Increasing their workforce by roughly 215%, it wouldn’t be a surprise if the organization faced growing pains along the way. Investments in technology and training, along with Avetta’s powerful solution, saw significant improvements in key safety metrics, including total recordable incident rate (TRIR).
Benefits Experienced
Streamlined Contractor Management: Moving from spreadsheets to Avetta has eliminated a time-consuming manual process and allowed team members to gain valuable time back each week. With less of an administrative workload, PTM could ensure operations ran smoothly, especially on large-scale projects where compliance is crucial with Rio Tinto.
Improved Safety Metrics: Scaling a workforce by 215% could be the perfect recipe for a drop in quality and a lapse in safety. Instead, PTM’s commitment to safety, paired with the power of Avetta, ensured that didn’t happen. In fact, safety metrics like TRIFR (Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate) have improved during the unprecedented growth.
Better Visibility on Compliance Status: Avetta’s centralised platform improved overall visibility into compliance. By ditching spreadsheets, anyone in the organisation can quickly ensure safety and regulatory standards are met. The real-time look into compliance status has made it easier to act quickly and maintain the company’s high standards for safety.
Avetta’s powerful solution has been pivotal for PTM to not just maintain, but improve, safety metrics as they made large additions to their workforce. Additionally, Avetta’s tremendous customer support has alleviated the growing pains associated with transitioning from spreadsheets to a modern, software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution. By streamlining compliance and contractor management, PTM has ensured that team members make it home every night and that projects are completed safely.
“Avetta's platform has been essential in helping PTM maintain compliance with the rigorous standards of tier one mining giants. Their SaaS solution simplifies the process, ensuring we meet all requirements efficiently while managing our growing workforce. Avetta’s tools allow us to focus on delivering exceptional service without compromising on safety or compliance.”