Course Overview
Nationwide delivery available
Duration & Cost
Line Mechanics
Delivered over two 5 x day blocks
Cost POA
Delivered over 2 x, 5 day blocks and 1x3 days block
Cost: POA
Some course assessments will be completed on-job.
*All costs exclude GST
Recognising Current Competency
On job assessment program recognising current competency for skilled and experienced workers that don’t hold a current formal qualification.
Participants will then be required to gather and provide evidence as required.
The final stage of the programme involves a professional interview conducted with each participant and two referee interviews to confirm all requirements have been met prior to award of the qualification.
Approximately 6 – 9 months.
POA plus GST per participant
To be eligible for this RCC assessment, you must meet the following entry criteria:
- You are a New Zealand citizen, or permanent resident, or hold a visa that allows work and training within New Zealand (A Connexis Training Agreement gives evidence of this criteria).
- Currently in full time employment in the Electrical Supply Industry as a Line Mechanic.
- 5 years full time experience beyond your registration.
Learners must have completed:
Course Details
Course Structure
Designed for learners currently employed in the Electricity Supply Industry as a Line Mechanic or Electrician. The qualification will enable technicans to meet the requirements for the EWRB Endorsed Line Mechanic registration.
The course is structured using a mixture of on-job and off-job learning.
Off-job learning is completed during 2 week-long blocks, the trainee will return to their workplace where they will further develop their skills with the guidance of workplace mentors and support from their iskills specialist assessors and iskills Trainee Coordinator.
Graduates will be able to apply safe work practices to meet industry standards, be able to apply knowledge of fault finding and skills required to carry out restoration of supply on the distribution networks in the Electricity Supply Industry. Graduates will be able to to apply knowledge of complex network switching to work on distribution networks in the Electricity Supply Industry.
Nationwide full training or on job assessment programmes available. COVID-19 safe environment.