Índice de Maturidade de Segurança

Understanding the Role of Leading/Lagging Indicators in OHS Performance Management

Learn how to create meaningful leading indicators that effectively measure organizational performance. Gain insights into the role of indicators in performance measurement and understand how to put the pieces together for a comprehensive approach to safety and health management.

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Recent discussions in the OSH community about leading vs lagging indicators have been lively. Many OSH pros are thoughtfully considering how they can create indicators that effectively measure their organization’s performance and are learning to appreciate that it doesn’t mean throwing out lagging indicators altogether or that all leading indicators are created equal. In fact, while many OSH professionals say they appreciate the value of leading indicators, they confess to not really knowing what they or how to create ones that are meaningful to their organization. This presentation will explore the role of indicators in performance measurement, especially as it relates to an effective occupational safety and health management systems, and help attendees better understand how to put the pieces together.

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Gestão da cadeia de suprimentos
Gestão de trabalhadores
Índice de maturidade de segurança
Índice de Maturidade de Segurança
Understanding the Role of Leading/Lagging Indicators in OHS Performance Management

Learn how to create meaningful leading indicators that effectively measure organizational performance. Gain insights into the role of indicators in performance measurement and understand how to put the pieces together for a comprehensive approach to safety and health management.

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Recent discussions in the OSH community about leading vs lagging indicators have been lively. Many OSH pros are thoughtfully considering how they can create indicators that effectively measure their organization’s performance and are learning to appreciate that it doesn’t mean throwing out lagging indicators altogether or that all leading indicators are created equal. In fact, while many OSH professionals say they appreciate the value of leading indicators, they confess to not really knowing what they or how to create ones that are meaningful to their organization. This presentation will explore the role of indicators in performance measurement, especially as it relates to an effective occupational safety and health management systems, and help attendees better understand how to put the pieces together.

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Auditorias e avaliações
Planos de continuidade de negócios (BCP)
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Riscos financeiros
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Regulamentações governamentais
Benefícios para membros
Saúde mental
Escravidão moderna
Administração de Segurança e Saúde Ocupacional (OSHA)
Gestão de riscos
Riscos da cadeia de suprimentos
Gestão da cadeia de suprimentos
Gestão de trabalhadores
Índice de maturidade de segurança
Índice de Maturidade de Segurança
Understanding the Role of Leading/Lagging Indicators in OHS Performance Management

Learn how to create meaningful leading indicators that effectively measure organizational performance. Gain insights into the role of indicators in performance measurement and understand how to put the pieces together for a comprehensive approach to safety and health management.

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Índice de Maturidade de Segurança
Understanding the Role of Leading/Lagging Indicators in OHS Performance Management

Learn how to create meaningful leading indicators that effectively measure organizational performance. Gain insights into the role of indicators in performance measurement and understand how to put the pieces together for a comprehensive approach to safety and health management.

Avetta Marketing
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Recent discussions in the OSH community about leading vs lagging indicators have been lively. Many OSH pros are thoughtfully considering how they can create indicators that effectively measure their organization’s performance and are learning to appreciate that it doesn’t mean throwing out lagging indicators altogether or that all leading indicators are created equal. In fact, while many OSH professionals say they appreciate the value of leading indicators, they confess to not really knowing what they or how to create ones that are meaningful to their organization. This presentation will explore the role of indicators in performance measurement, especially as it relates to an effective occupational safety and health management systems, and help attendees better understand how to put the pieces together.

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Análise de dados
Auditorias e avaliações
Planos de continuidade de negócios (BCP)
Gestão de prestadores de serviços
Pré-qualificação de prestadores de serviços
Segurança de prestadores de serviços
Responsabilidade social corporativa (CSR)
Riscos financeiros
Saúde e segurança
Regulamentações governamentais
Benefícios para membros
Saúde mental
Escravidão moderna
Administração de Segurança e Saúde Ocupacional (OSHA)
Gestão de riscos
Riscos da cadeia de suprimentos
Gestão da cadeia de suprimentos
Gestão de trabalhadores
Índice de maturidade de segurança
Índice de Maturidade de Segurança

Understanding the Role of Leading/Lagging Indicators in OHS Performance Management

Learn how to create meaningful leading indicators that effectively measure organizational performance. Gain insights into the role of indicators in performance measurement and understand how to put the pieces together for a comprehensive approach to safety and health management.

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Índice de Maturidade de Segurança
Understanding the Role of Leading/Lagging Indicators in OHS Performance Management

Learn how to create meaningful leading indicators that effectively measure organizational performance. Gain insights into the role of indicators in performance measurement and understand how to put the pieces together for a comprehensive approach to safety and health management.

Avetta Marketing
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minutos de leitura

Recent discussions in the OSH community about leading vs lagging indicators have been lively. Many OSH pros are thoughtfully considering how they can create indicators that effectively measure their organization’s performance and are learning to appreciate that it doesn’t mean throwing out lagging indicators altogether or that all leading indicators are created equal. In fact, while many OSH professionals say they appreciate the value of leading indicators, they confess to not really knowing what they or how to create ones that are meaningful to their organization. This presentation will explore the role of indicators in performance measurement, especially as it relates to an effective occupational safety and health management systems, and help attendees better understand how to put the pieces together.

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Análise de dados
Auditorias e avaliações
Planos de continuidade de negócios (BCP)
Gestão de prestadores de serviços
Pré-qualificação de prestadores de serviços
Segurança de prestadores de serviços
Responsabilidade social corporativa (CSR)
Riscos financeiros
Saúde e segurança
Regulamentações governamentais
Benefícios para membros
Saúde mental
Escravidão moderna
Administração de Segurança e Saúde Ocupacional (OSHA)
Gestão de riscos
Riscos da cadeia de suprimentos
Gestão da cadeia de suprimentos
Gestão de trabalhadores
Índice de maturidade de segurança